344 results for “ilford”
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Kodak D-76 Film Developer 3.8L
Kodak D-76 Film Developer 3.8L is a powdered, fine grain black and white film developer. Ideal for use with a wide range of black and white films.
Add to basket ContinueKodak D-76 Film Developer 1L
Kodak D-76 Film Developer is a powdered, fine grain black and white film developer. Ideal for use with a wide range of black and white films. This is a developer that will give you excellent results with all films. Incredibly versatile, it is ideal where a wide range of films and film speeds have been used. It ensures the best balance of fine grain, sharpness and tonal rendition. Producing negatives which allow for a high degree of enlargement.
Read more ContinuePaterson 35mm Developing Tank with 1 Reel
Paterson 35mm Developing Tank with 1 Reel for processing all black and white and colour films. The Paterson 35mm Developing Tank is supplied with 1 auto-load reels, which can be used in any Paterson tank
Add to basket ContinueFomaspeed Variant 311 Resin Coated Paper Glossy 8×10 50 Sheets
Fomaspeed Variant 311 Resin Coated Paper Glossy 8×10 50 Sheets is a variable-contrast, black and white darkroom paper. It has a resin-coated paper base. A great all-round paper. Particularly good for darkroom beginners because of the low price.
Read more ContinueFomaspeed Variant 312 Resin Coated Paper Matt 8×10 50 Sheets – Discontinued
Fomaspeed Variant 312 Resin Coated Paper Matt 8x10 50 Sheets has been discontinued by Foma. Fomaspeed Variant 312 Resin Coated Paper Matt 8x10 50 Sheets is a variable-contrast, black and white darkroom paper. It has a resin-coated paper base. A great all-round paper. Particularly good for darkroom beginners because of the low price.
Read more ContinueThe Difference Between Resin Coated And Fibre Based Paper
If you are heading into the darkroom, you will need to know the difference between Resin Coated and Fibre Based paper. Before you go into the darkroom to make black and white prints you will have to choose a darkroom paper to print on. The first decision you will have to make before you think about…
ContinueHow To Develop Film At Home
If you want to know how to develop film at home this guide will walk you through all the things you need. Film processing is much easier than you think. Plus, it is almost as much fun as shooting the film. If you have the time and inclination, processing your own film can be a…
ContinueFomapan 400 120 Film Review
Here is our Fomapan 400 120 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Bronica RF645. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think. Fomapan is known for being the budget option when it comes to black and white film. Often overlooked, this Czech Republic made film is a good…
ContinueKodak Tri-X 400 35mm Film 36 Exposures
Kodak Tri-X 400 is a classic black and white film. It is a high-speed film with distinctive grain and rich tones. Also particularly good for push-processing, easily going up to 1600 ISO.
Read more ContinueTetenal Ultrafin T-Plus Film Developer 500ml
Tetenal Ultrafin T-Plus is a fine grain, black and white film developer. Easy to use, it produces exceptionally fine grain and impressive tone reproduction. Ideal for processing T-Grain films such as Ilford Delta or Kodak T Max. Ultrafin T-Plus has been specially designed to get the most out of these modern films. Additionally, it will also work well with a wide range of black and white films.
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