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PYLOT Magazine Interview
The lovely people from PYLOT Magazine came to see us recently to check out the shop and ask us some questions.
We spoke about our reasons for starting Parallax, where we fit in the analogue photography community and our plans for the future.
If you don’t have time to read, here is one of our favourite bits.
“We want to show that we are in this for [the customers] and that Parallax Photographic Co-op puts people before profit. We’re showing that we care about the film community and the future of film photography. While we want to create sustainable and fairly paid jobs for ourselves, we aren’t setting out to get rich. We understand the significant role that businesses like us can play in shaping the future of the industry. It is our intention to supportive of the community whose passion for photography we share.
We want people to know that when they shop with us not only will they get a fair deal, but they are also investing in the future of film along with us.”
You can read the full article here: pylotmagazine.com/parallax-photographic-coop

As a cooperative, we are a business entirely owned and run by its employees. You can find out more about what that means here.
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Photograph © Max Barnett