Adox Silvermax 100 Film Review
Here is our Adox Silvermax 100 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Contax T3. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.
Adox Silvermax 100 is a film with more silver in it than normal. In combination with its dedicated Silvermax developer it will give you more shades of grey than any other film. We wanted to try it out for ourselves. So, we put a roll of Adox Silvermax 100 in our Contax T3 and took it out around Hastings.
This film really does deliver a wide range of smooth grey tones. It is also very sharp.
We haven’t tried it in an alternative, but the dedicated Silvermax developer gave us exceptionally fine grain.
This is a good film for landscapes if you shoot 35mm.
Film: Adox Silvermax 100
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 100 ISO
Shot on: Contax T3
Location: Hastings, East Sussex
Developed: Home developed in Adox Silvermax Developer

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