Fuji Industrial 100 Film Review
Here is our Fuji Industrial 100 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Contax T3. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.
Fuji Industrial 100 is made for the business market in Japan. We had heard a lot about it and wanted to try it out for ourselves. So, we put a roll of Fuji Industrial 100 in our Contax T3 and took it out around Brixton.
This film has nice, neutral colours. It also has a hard contrast, which makes it appear quite sharp.
Not overly saturated and a fine grain. We like this film
Sadly, it has since been discontinued. If you’re looking for a 100 ISO colour negative film, give Kodak Pro Image 100 a try.
Film: Fuji Industrial 100
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 100 ISO
Shot on: Contax T3
Location: Brixton, South London
Developed: Home developed in a Tetenal Colortec C-41 Processing Kit

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