Negative Feedback Fuji Hi-Speed 1600 Disposable Film Camera Review
Recently we handed over a Fuji Hi-Speed 1600 Disposable Film Camera to our friend George over at Negative Feedback to see what he could do with it.
For those of you who aren’t familiar with Negative Feedback, its a YouTube channel dedicated to shooting film. So, the basic principle is informative and aesthetically pleasing videos to help photographers navigate the sometimes confusing non-digital world of film photography. Plus, they are great.
We imported the Fuji Hi-Speed 1600 Disposable Film Camera all the way from Japan. Uniquely, these rare disposable cameras are loaded with Fuji 1600 film.
So, watch the video below to see how George got on with the camera and what he thought of it. Also, if it makes you want to try out disposables for yourself, don’t worry. We keep a variety of them in stock. You can get one for yourself here.

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