Parallax Cyanotype Paper Review
Here is our Parallax Cyanotype Paper Review. We took some of our Cyanotype Paper out in the sun. So, have a look at our prints and see what you think.
For our Cyanotype Paper review, we took out some precoated paper in the sun. Parallax Cyanotype Paper is coated with a mixture of iron compounds, which when exposed to UV light and washed in water oxidise to create Prussian Blue images. The technique was invented in 1841 by Sir JohnHerschel and was popularised by photographer and botanist Anna Atkins.
As the sun is shining we thought it was the perfect time to make some cyanotypes. As the paper is pre-coated there is no need for any preparation. We picked up what we had to hand. Unsurprisingly, this was cameras and film.
We decided to use a tray so that we could position the items on the paper before placing them in the sun. This was useful because in the bright sun the paper exposes quite quickly.
You can see from the images below, that flat, solid items leave a distinct white shape. Any lighter items or any that don’t lie completely flat on the paper produce a softer edge on the print. Some of the lighter items had a tendency to move slightly in the wind. This can create some nice effects.
Another thing to keep in mind when you make your prints is shadows. Unless the sun is directly above you, or your items are completely flat, shadows will make up part of your image. We took this into consideration when composing our images.
While the sun was bright, the exposure time was between 3-5 minutes. When it was cloudy this time was extend to roughly 10 minutes. We waited until the exposed paper was a very pale colour.
So that we could wash all the prints at once, we put them back in the packet after exposure. We washed all the prints for 2 minutes. This is where you see the image reverse, all the white parts turn blue and vice versa.
The images are pale blue when they are first washed. But, they progressively turn darker blue as they dry.
In conclusion, we had fun making these film-themed images for our cyanotype paper review. Cyanotypes are a great way to get experimental. And, it was nice to be spontaneous, without any advanced preparation.
Paper: Parallax Cyanotype Paper
Format: 8×10
Developed: Sunlight

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