Fuji Superia 400 shot on a Contax T3

Fuji Superia 400 Film Review

Here is our Fuji Superia 400 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Contax T3. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.

Fuji Superia 400 is a popular mid range film. It sits between Fuji’s more expensive pro films and the budget Fuji C200. We wanted to give a try. So, we put a roll of Fuji Superia 400 in our Contax T3 and took it out around Ruskin Park in South London.

The first thing we notice is the rough grain and strong contrast. The colours are reasonably saturated, with a good rendition of blues and greens. Something which Fuji films are know for.

Overall the details is good. Although losing a little in the bright highlights. It has a good punchy feel to it.

You definitely get that grainy, film look with Superia. And, the 400 ISO makes it pretty versatile.

Film: Fuji Superia 400
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 400 ISO
Shot on: Contax T3
Location: Ruskin Park, South London
Developed: Home developed in a Tetenal Colortec C-41 Processing Kit

Fuji Superia 400 Film Review

Fuji Superia 400 Film Review

Fuji Superia 400 Film Review

Fuji Superia 400 Film Review

Fuji Superia 400 Film Review

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