Ilford Delta 100 Film Review
Here is our Ilford Delta 100 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Hasselblad X-Pan. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.
Ilford Delta 100 is part of Ilford’s Delta range of films. They all have a more “modern” emulsion. Which means, sharper, smoother and finer grain. We wanted to see for ourselves. So, we put a roll of Ilford Delta 100 in the Hasselblad X-Pan and took it out around Loughborough Junction.
Our shots have very fine, sharp grain. We were particularly impressed with the gain considering this is 35mm film.
Delta 100 handles the highlights, mid tones and shadows equally well. This is a very smooth looking film.
Compare it to a film with a classic grain structure, like Ilford FP4. You can see a marked difference when it comes to detail and crispness.
Film: Ilford Delta 100
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 100 ISO
Shot on: Hasselblad X-Pan
Location: Loughborough Junction, South London
Developed: Home developed in Ilford ID-11

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