Ilford FP4 125 Film Review
Here is our Ilford FP4 125 Film Review. We shot a roll of FP4 Plus 125 in our Contax G2. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.
Ilford FP4 125 is the benchmark when it comes to low-speed black and white film. Having shot a roll in medium format in our previous Ilford FP4 125 Film Review, we thought it was time to give it a go in 35mm. So, we put a roll of Ilford FP4 Plus 125 in our Contax G2 and took it out around Brixton, South London.
We know from shooting FP4 before, that it is a really sharp film with loads of contrast. It retains the highlights well, has nice mid-tones and loads of detail in the shadows.
What really stood out to us this time is the quality of the grain in FP4. Ilford FP4 is almost 10 years older than Kodak Tri-X 400 and because it’s based on older technology, it has a lovely, classic quality. As opposed to the more modern look of the T-grain films like Ilford Delta and Kodak T-Max.
We developed this roll at home in Ilford LC29, which turned out to be a great combination. It’s one that we would certainly recommend. Although FP4 is highly versatile and can be processed in a wide range of developers. This is great as you can tweak the look of the film further by finding your prefered developer.
Ilford FP4 125 is definitely worth picking up if you need a low ISO black and white film. As well as being very high-quality, it is a great all-rounder, suitable for a lot of different applications. When you consider it is one of the most affordable black and white films we sell as well, it really is a must-try.
Film: Ilford FP4 Plus 125
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 125 ISO
Shot on: Contax G2
Location: Brixton, South London
Developed: Home Developed in Ilford Ilfotec LC29

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