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Fomatone MG Classic 131 FB Paper Glossy 20×24 10 Sheets
Fomatone MG Classic 131 FB is a fibre based darkroom paper. It has a double-weight fibre base which gives your prints a high-quality finish. As a warmtone paper, has a warm white base colour and will give a noticeably warm image tone to your image. It will give your images a brown/orange tone compared to a neutral-tone paper. It comes in a glossy finish. Giving it a smooth surface that will boost contrast and bring out black tones.
Add to basket ContinueBlack And White Film Developing Times
When it comes to processing your own film, you need to know your black and white film developing times. We have listed the times here for your specific film and developer combination. These are the recommended times from the manufacturers. Are you new to film developing? It’s surprisingly simple to develop black and white film at…
ContinueGuide To Film Formats
These images show relative size comparisons between film formats, not the actual size of each.
ContinueKodak T-Max P3200 Film Review At Night
Here is our Kodak T-Max P3200 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Contax G2. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think. Kodak T-Max P3200 was brought back to the market in 2018. It’s one of only two high-speed films currently available. We were curious to see how…
ContinueGuide To Film Speed
In this guide, we’ll explain how the film speed, also known as ISO, works. And, how to choose the right one for you. The three things that will determine your exposure are film speed, aperture and shutter speed. The speed of the film dictates how much light the film needs. The aperture controls how much…
ContinueStreet Candy ATM 400 35mm Film 36 Exposures – Discontinued
Now Discontinued. Street Candy ATM 400 is a 400 ISO panchromatic black and white film. Originally a film used for security and surveillance cameras. Street Candy has converted it to be used in 35mm film cameras. Packaged in eco-friendly recycled cardboard film canisters.
Read more ContinueKentmere 400 35mm Film 24 Exposures
Kentmere 400 35mm Film is one of the cheapest black and white films we sell. It offers impressively fine grain and sharpness and medium contrast, while performing well under a variety of lighting conditions. Kentmere 400 give you the higher film speed than its Kentmere 100 partner, useful for when you need a higher ISO.
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