Second Kodak Pro Image 100 Film Review
Here is our Second Kodak Pro Image 100 Film Review. We shot a roll of Pro Image on our Hasselblad X-Pan. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.
As we said when we last reviewed this film, Kodak Pro Image often flies under the radar. It’s a lesser-known emulsion, despite its fine grain and neutral colours. The last time we shot it was on a sunny summer’s day in Paris. This time around we wanted to see how it held up under grey London skies. So, for our second Kodak Pro Image 100 film review, we put a roll in our Hasselblad X-Pan and took it out along the South Bank in Central London.
Grey London Skies
After our initial outing with Pro Image, which gave us good colours and accurate tones under bright light, we wondered how it would perform without the benefit of nice weather. We weren’t disappointed.
Despite a very overcast February sky we still got true to life colours and a good balance between highlights and shadows. There is a nice amount of contrast without too much grain.
Considering this is a 100 ISO film it performed well under the lighting conditions. It would have been nice to have a stop or two more, but all these images were taken hand-held. So worth remembering 100 ISO isn’t always as slow as you imagine.
Ultimately, we were impressed yet again by this film. The neutral colours don’t get in the way, and it is pretty fine-grained for its price range.
Film: Kodak Pro Image 100
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 100 ISO
Shot on: Hasselblad X-Pan
Location: South Bank, Central London
Developed and Scanned: Photofusion

We review the most popular films in the shop and some new and lesser-known ones to see how they compare. Have a look at the full list of our Film Reviews.
You might also be interested in This Is How You Shoot Kodak Pro Image 100 which features photos taken by our community. Use the hashtag #parallaxshootskodakproimage100 on Instagram to get involved.
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