CineStill 400Dynamic Film Review
Here is our CineStill 400Dynamic Film Review. We shot a roll in our Contax G2. So, take a look at our film review and see what you think.
At the end of 2022, CineStill brought out a new film. As you probably know, CineStill makes film for stills cameras from Kodak movie film. 400Dynamic is no different. This time round they have produced a daylight-balanced 400ISO film.
It sold out pretty quickly when it first arrived but we grabbed a roll to try out. For our CineStill 400 Dynamic film review, we put a roll in our Contax G2 and took it out around Denmark Hill in South London.
As with all CineStill films, the remjet has been removed, which means there is no anti-halation layer. This can make your highlights look as though they are glowing when overexposed. This didn’t show up on any of these images.
This film gives you true-to-life colours with a subtle, soft look. We got nice blues, reds and greens.
The closest comparison would be to Kodak Portra 400, although the 400D has a slightly warmer feel. Both films have an equally fine grain. 400D gave us crisp, sharp images for 35mm.
It handled the contrast of strong sunlight and gave us good detail in both the shadows and highlights.
Cinestill calls this 400Dymanic Versatile colour negative film. This is because it can be rated from 200 to 800 ISO. It will be interesting to see how it performs at a higher speed. Based on these results we’ll definitely be shooting it again!
Film: Cinestill 400Dynamic
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 400 ISO
Shot on: Contax G2
Location: Denmark Hill
Developed and Scanned: Photofusion

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