Flic Elektra 100 Film Review
Here is our Flic Elektra 100 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Yashica T4. So, check out our film review and see what you think.
Elektra 100 recently landed on our shop counter. It is a respooled technical colour film from Flic Film in Canada. We figured we better try it out. So, we put a roll of Flic Film Elektra 100 in our Yashica T4 and took it out around East Dulwich in South London.
Aerial Surveillance Film
Flic Film has been respooling various Kodak movie films for stills photography. Elektra 100 is a bit different. This is Kodak Aerochrome IV film, used for aerial photography, documenting landscapes and surveillance.
Because this is a technical film it is very fine-grained, with lots of detail. Also worth noting is the thin film base. This makes it more susceptible to light leaks when loading. We’d recommend doing this in subdued light.
Pleasing Colours
The film gives really pleasing colours. They are very true to life, with a slight warmth. As we expected, these images have very little grain. There is a good amount of contrast, which adds to the crisp feel of this film.
Although it was a fairly overcast day, the images aren’t too cool or grey looking. As well as the nice feel of the film, it holds both the highlight and shadow details well. We look forward to trying this out again in sunnier weather.
Film: Flic Elektra 100
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 100 ISO
Shot on: Yashica T4
Location: East Dulwich, South London
Developed and Scanned: Photofusion

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