Kodak Gold 200 120 Film Review
Here is our Kodak Gold 200 120 Film Review. We shot a roll of Kodak Gold in our Fuji GA645i medium format camera. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.
Gold 200 is one of Kodak’s consumer range films and, until recently, was only available in 35mm. Gold 200 is a recent addition to Kodak’s medium format lineup. We wanted to try it out and see how the film performed in 120. So, for our Kodak Gold 200 120 Film Review, we put a roll in our Fuji GA645i and took it out around our local neighbourhood, Brixton.
First off, we were really impressed with how well it captured the colours. There is a richness to the images. With a nice balance of contrast; the highlights and shadows have an equal amount of detail. It handled the mix of bright sunlight alongside the shadows incredibly well.
Another plus point is the level of saturation. It sits comfortably between the more neutral Portra and the more saturated Ektar Ektar films. Basically, a great everyday choice.
We got some prints off this roll (thank you Photofusion!) and they emphasised how easy this film is to use. No adjustments were necessary. All the images on the roll came out well exposed, with great, true to life colours.
Overall it is the richness of the colours that stands out. Alongside an impressive level of detail and sharpness. Gold in 120 will definitely be one of our go-to films. We be loading up another roll soon!
Film: Kodak Gold 200
Format: 120
Rated at: 200 ISO
Shot on: Fuji GA645i
Location: Brixton, South London
Developed, Scanned and Printed: Photofusion

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