Kodak Tri-X 400 Stand Development Film Review
Here is our Kodak Tri-X 400 Stand Development Film Review. We shot a roll of Tri-X on our Contax G2, then stand developed it. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think.
We’ve shot Tri-X before, it is one of our favourites. It is also one of the most popular black and white films we sell. This time around we wanted to try something different and
Stand Develop
One of the reasons to stand develop is that you should get equally well-exposed highlights and shadows. From our results, we see this is certainly true. It was a bright autumn day, with very harsh shadows. But, we still managed to retain all the details in them. All without blowing out the highlights.
Another benefit of this processing method is finer grain. Kodak Tri-X is well known for it’s distinctive, rough grain. With these images, the grain is noticeably finer. Whilst still keeping the sharp Tri-X contrast and rich tones that we like.
Overall, we were very impressed with the balance of contrast and a high level of detail. If you want to
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 400 ISO
Shot on: Contax G2
Location: Herne Hill, South London
Developed: Stand developed in Kodak HC-110

Also, check out This Is How You Shoot Kodak Tri-X 400 which features photos taken by our community. Use the hashtag #parallaxshootskodaktrix400 on Instagram to get involved.
We review the most popular films in the shop and some new and lesser-known ones to see how they compare. Have a look at the full list of our Film Reviews.
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