344 results for “ilford

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Kodak Ektar H35 Half Frame Film Camera Brown

Ideal for photographers looking to reduce film usage and related costs. It features a built-in flash and a small-and-light body, and is designed to be handy and easy-to-use; even film beginners can handle it effortlessly.

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Kodak Ektar H35 Half Frame Film Camera Sage

Ideal for photographers looking to reduce film usage and related costs. It features a built-in flash and a small-and-light body, and is designed to be handy and easy-to-use; even film beginners can handle it effortlessly.

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Kodak Ektar H35 Half Frame Film Camera Sand

Ideal for photographers looking to reduce film usage and related costs. It features a built-in flash and a small-and-light body, and is designed to be handy and easy-to-use; even film beginners can handle it effortlessly.

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Kodak Ektar H35 Half Frame Film Camera Black

Ideal for photographers looking to reduce film usage and related costs. It features a built-in flash and a small-and-light body, and is designed to be handy and easy-to-use; even film beginners can handle it effortlessly.

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ALICE CAMPOS Flesh Print Pack

Limited Edition Print Pack FLESH. A beginning to the end, an accumulation of perennial human existences. Collecting human, non-human and immaterial memories of nostalgic touch and human presence.

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Fomatone MG Classic 131 FB Paper Glossy 8×10 25 Sheets

Fomatone MG Classic 131 FB is a fibre-based darkroom paper. It has a double-weight fibre base which gives your prints a high-quality finish. As a warmtone paper, has a warm white base colour and will give a noticeably warm image tone to your image. It will give your images a brown/orange tone compared to a neutral-tone paper. It comes in a semi-matt finish. Giving it a smooth surface that will boost contrast and bring out black tones. But you should expect it to give you similar qualities to most matt surface papers.

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Kodak Gold 200 120 Film Review

Here is our Kodak Gold 200 120 Film Review. We shot a roll of Kodak Gold in our Fuji GA645i medium format camera. So, have a look at our film test and see what you think. Gold 200 is one of Kodak’s consumer range films and, until recently, was only available in 35mm. Gold 200…


Zone Imaging 510 Pyro Film Developer 100ml

An extremely fine-grained, high acutance film developer. This long shelf-life, staining developer will give full film speed with most films. Although small, the 100ml bottle will develop between 30-100 35mm rolls. Plus, it has a 5+ year shelf life! You get razor-sharp and extremely fine-grained negatives. Most ISO 100 films go grainless!

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Agfa 35mm Reusable Film Camera Red

Agfa 35mm Reusable Film Camera Red is a simple point and shoot. Light, easy to use and a fun little camera to take film photos with. The cameras come with a strap and pouch. You'll need to pick up a roll of 35mm film and a AAA battery.

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CineStill DF96 Developer And Fix Monobath Powder 1L

A powder black and white combined developer and fix. Easy to use. A simple way to process black and white film at any room temperature (20-28°C). You can develop 16 rolls of film with 1L of Monobath.

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