Paterson 6 Auto-Load Reels
The Paterson 6 Auto-Load Reels is designed for use in the Paterson Super System 4 film developing tanks. These reels have a smooth finish and use the unique twin ball ratchet system. This makes them really simple to load in the dark.
They are adjustable so one reel can be altered to take 35mm, 126, 120 or 220 film.
£74.95 Inc VAT
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Paterson 6 Auto-Load Reels
The Paterson 6 Auto-Load Reels is designed for use in the Paterson Super System 4 film developing tanks. These reels have a smooth finish and use the unique twin ball ratchet system. This makes them really simple to load in the dark.
Significantly they are adjustable so one reel can be altered to take 35mm, 126, 120 or 220 film.
We would definitely recommend getting some exposed film to try loading film in the light. So you can see what you are doing. You’ll get the hang of it and be loading the reels without thinking soon, but it can be tricky the first time. And practice makes perfect they say.
This pack contains 6 Paterson Auto-Load Reels. You can also buy a single Paterson Auto-Load Reels.
How To Load Your Film
Firstly, this should always be done in complete darkness.
Use an opener on 35mm to remove the top ring of the film canister and pull out the roll of film. If it is 120, then just unravel the roll and detach from the backing paper.
Pick up the reel and make sure you can feel both notches on the outer edge are aligned. You then need to slide the end of the film under the two notches until you feel it catch. If the film has gone in straight you will be able to turn both sides of the reel in an alternate back and forth motion, which will move the film along as you go.
Once the film is on the reel you need to put it in the tank. After the reel is in, put the lid on and turn it until it locks in place. Your developing tank is now light-tight and it’s safe to turn the lights on or take the tank out of the changing bag.
How To Develop Film
If you would like to learn more about developing your own film, you should read our guides How To Develop Black And White Film and How To Develop Colour Film. Both guides will walk you through each step of developing film at home.
Also, check out How To Develop Film At Home for a list of everything you’ll need. How To Prepare Film Developing Chemistry will explain how to get your chemicals ready for processing. Once you’re ready to go, find your Black And White Film Developing Times.
You can explore further and look at How To Stand Develop Film and Pushing and Pulling Film.
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