Kentmere Pan 400 Film Review
Here is our Kentmere Pan 400 Film Review. We shot a roll in a Harman Reusable Camera. So, have a look at our film review and see what you think.
Kentmere 400 is a budget film from Ilford. It is a reliable film at a low cost and makes a great starting point for beginners. Ilford have also recently brought out an affordable plastic camera. Basically a disposable, but that you can reload. And they give you a couple of rolls of Kentmere to get you started. So, for our Kentmere Pan 400 film review, we put a roll of 35mm in our Harman Reusable Camera and took it out around South London.
First off, we have to say, we are big fans of Kentmere. It’s such good quality for the price. If you don’t shoot much black and white and not sure where to start, you can’t go wrong with loading your camera with a roll Kentmere Pan 400.
You can see from our results, we got good even tones in the greys. Plenty of detail in the shadows. And, it handled the highlights well. Considering this was shot with a plastic lens, there is also decent amount of contrast.
In comparison to the Kentmere Pan 100, there is a grittiness to the grain. But, it still gave us an even, fine grain for a 400 ISO film. We developed it in Ilford Ilfotec LC29, which helped.
Harman Reusable Camera
A few words about the Harman Reuseable Camera. Why is it called a reusable? Well, it is the same quality you’d get with a disposable camera. Lightweight, with a plastic lens. The main difference is you don’t have to break this one open to get the film out. And, you can shoot more than one roll! Thus, reusable.
All the caveats you’d apply to disposable cameras apply here. It’s not the sharpest lens, had a fixed focus point and there is some distortion around the edges. However, you get two rolls of film, and can use it as many times as you like. Plus, it’s fun to shoot and easy to carry arround. So, much better value than a disposable, and better for the environement too.
The camera and Kentmere 400 are a good match for a beginner. Overall, we are pretty happy with our results. And, look forward to shooting some more Kentmere.
Film: Kentmere Pan 400
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 400 ISO
Shot on: Harman Reusable Camera
Location: South London
Developed: Ilford Ilfotec LC29

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