Ilford HP5 At 1600 Film Review
Here is our Ilford HP5 at 1600 Film Review. We shot a roll on our Hasselblad XPan. So, have a look at our film review and see what you think.
We’ve shot Ilford HP5 before, in 35mm and medium format. This time around we wanted to try something different. We decided to take it out at night and push it. So, we rated Ilford HP5 at 1600 ISO to see how it holds up.
We were really impressed with the results. The film still gave us plenty of detail in the mid-tones and highlights. However, we did lose some shadow detail in exchange for the speed. We think this is a fair trade-off. We did expect this, so kept it in mind whilst shooting. The dark shadows work well and add some atmosphere.
Our developer for this roll was Ilfotec LC29. We chose this one as Ilford have a recommended time for Ilford HP5 at 1600. Definitely a good fit. We got really crisp grain and excellent contrast from this developer. We went for the higher dilution, which does accentuate the grain. But, the sharper grain helps keep the image looking sharp. Particularly where there is some blur appearing.
Overall, we were really happy with how these photos came out. And, would definitely shoot HP5 at 1600 ISO again. We might even try it out at 3200, seeing as it held on to so much detail.
Film: Ilford HP5 Plus 400
Format: 35mm
Rated at: 1600 ISO
Shot on: Hasselblad X-Pan
Location: London
Developed: Ilfotec LC29 Dilution 1+19

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