CineStill BWXX Double-X 35mm Film 36 Exposures

CineStill BWXX Double-X 35mm is a black and white negative film. Made from original Kodak motion picture film stock. You get a high speed, classic black and white film emulsion, with an ISO of 250 under daylight and 200 under tungsten lighting.

CineStill BWXX Double-X comes in non-DX coded canisters.

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£17.45 Inc VAT

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CineStill BWXX Double-X 35mm Film 36 Exposures

CineStill BWXX Double-X 35mm is a black and white negative film. Made from original Kodak motion picture film stock. You get a high speed, classic black and white film emulsion, with an ISO of 250 under daylight and 200 under tungsten lighting.

Double-X is a classic black and white film stock left relatively unchanged since it’s release in 1959 for still and motion picture use.

As this is a movie film, CineStill recommends you develop it in Kodak D-96 developer. However, it is compatible with Kodak D-76 and HC-110 developers. As well as most other brands of black and white film developers. Use Eastman Double-X (5222) as the name of the film when you look up development times.

The main aim of CineStill is to provide still photographers with access to the same emulsion as cinematographers. Simply put, they hack motion picture cinema film stock. As a result, you can shoot it and process it like normal 35mm black and white negative film.

We shot some CineStill BWXX Double-X on the Contax G2. Check out the film review here.


CineStill 50D and 800T

Also worth a look are the CineStill 50D, a daylight balanced film, as well as CineStill 800T, a tungsten film. Both are available in 35mm and 120 formats.


Film Photography

And, if you’re new to film check out our Beginners Guide To Film Photography. Also have a look at our guides to Aperture, Shutter Speed and Film Speed. Then check out the other 35mm film we have in stock.


Which Is The Best Film To Choose?

Have you just got hold of a film camera and not sure where to start. We have lots of films to choose from, but you might be wondering which is the best one for you? Then read our guide Choose Your Film. It will give you a good starting point and a clear idea of what the different films do.


Additional information


Film Development

Black and White

Film Exposures


Film Format

Film Sensitivity

Film Type



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