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Fuji Provia 100F 120 Film 5 Pack

Fujichrome Provia 100F 120 Film is a fine grain transparency film. Particularly suited to work requiring high-magnification as a result of the finest grain among ISO 100 colour reversal films.

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£54.95 Inc VAT

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Fuji Provia 100F 120 Film 5 Pack

Fuji Provia 100F 120 Film is a fine grain transparency film. Particularly suited to work requiring high-magnification as a result of the finest grain among ISO 100 colour transparency films.

Extremely satisfying color depiction, providing the most brilliant primaries without sacrificing the delicate pastels, a for wide-range of applications.

Smooth gradation reproduction with superb depth, thanks to bias-free, brilliant highlights and excellent highlight-to-shadow gradation linearity.



Fujichrome Provia 100F 120 Film has very little loss in film speed and color balance during long exposures, as well as consistently accurate multiple-exposure performance.

Outstanding tolerance to exposure and density compensation during processing, within -1/2 stop to +2 stops, resulting in minimal variations color balance and gradation.


E6 Process

As with other FUJICHROME film, worldwide processing is available using E-6 / CR-56 / C6R chemicals.


Film Photography

And, if you’re new to film check out our Beginners Guide To Film Photography. Also have a look at our guides to Aperture, Shutter Speed and Film Speed. Then check out the other 35mm film we have in stock.


Which Is The Best Film To Choose?

Have you just got hold of a film camera and not sure where to start. We have lots of films to choose from, but you might be wondering which is the best one for you? Then read our guide Choose Your Film. It will give you a good starting point and a clear idea of what the different films do.


How To Develop Film

If you would like to learn more about developing your own film, you should read our guides How To Develop Slide Film, How To Develop Black And White Film and How To Develop Colour Film. All three guides will walk you through each step of developing film at home.

Also, check out How To Develop Film At Home for a list of everything you’ll need. How To Prepare Film Developing Chemistry will explain how to get your chemicals ready for processing. Once you’re ready to go, find your Black And White Film Developing Times.

Additional information


Film Development


Film Format

Film Sensitivity

Film Type



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