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Kodak Tri-X 400 120 Film 5 Pack

Kodak Tri-X 400 is a high-speed panchromatic emulsion. You will find Kodak Tri-X is a great choice for dimly lit subjects or fast action. It has fine grain and rich tonality.

£50.95 Inc VAT

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Kodak Tri-X 400 120 Film 5 Pack

Kodak Tri-X 400 120 film has a high-speed panchromatic emulsion. You will find Kodak Tri-X is a great choice for dimly lit subjects or fast action. Basically, subjects that require good depth of field and fast shutter speeds. It will also extend the distance range for flash pictures.

A benefit of Kodak Tri-X 400 is the fine grain and rich tonality. It will maintain both even with over and underexposure.


Push Processing

Kodak Tri-X 400 has a classic grain structure, which means it’s a bit rougher than the modern T-grain found in TMax and Delta films.  It is also particularly good for push-processing, easily going up to 1600, with usable results at 3200 ISO.

For more information about Tri-X, and the photographers who use it, have a read of The Tri-X Factor.

We shot some Tri-X 400 120 on a Bronica RF645. Check out the film test here. We shot another roll on a Fuji GA645i and developed it in HC-110, you can see our film review here.

You can also buy Tri-X in single 120 Rolls and 35mm.


This Is How You Shoot Kodak Tri-X 400

Want to see some of the different ways you can use Kodak Tri-X 400? We have put together some of our favourite Tri-X 400 shots by our customers – you can see them here.


Film Photography

And, if you’re new to film check out our Beginners Guide To Film Photography. Also have a look at our guides to Aperture, Shutter Speed and Film Speed. Then check out the other 35mm film we have in stock.


Which Is The Best Film To Choose?

Have you just got hold of a film camera and not sure where to start. We have lots of films to choose from, but you might be wondering which is the best one for you? Then read our guide Choose Your Film. It will give you a good starting point and a clear idea of what the different films do.


Kodak Film Availability

The current Kodak stock availability issues are expected to last until the end of 2020. For more information read our update.

Additional information

Film Development

Black and White

Film Format

Film Sensitivity

Film Type




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