Ilford HP5 Plus 400 35mm Disposable Film Camera with Flash 27 Exposures

HP5 Black & White Disposable Film Camera is a simple point and shoot with a built-in flash. It is loaded with Ilford HP5 400 ISO film. Easy and fun to use, this camera can be used under many lighting situations and small enough to take everywhere.

£18.43 Inc VAT

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Ilford HP5 Plus 400 35mm Disposable Film Camera with Flash 27 Exposures

Ilford HP5 Plus 400 35mm Disposable Film Camera is a simple point and shoot with a built-in flash, loaded with 400 ISO film. Easy and fun to use, this camera can be used in many lighting situations and small enough to take everywhere.

Ilford HP5 Plus 400 Film is a high speed, medium contrast film. It is especially suitable for action and press photography. Also an excellent choice for general purpose photography.


Ilford HP5 Plus 400

Nominally rated at ISO 400. Ilford HP5 Plus film will give you negatives with outstanding sharpness and fine grain. Great results under all lighting conditions.

Additionally, Ilford HP5 Plus 400 has a formula that will respond well to push processing. Film speeds up to EI 3200/36 are achievable. Ilford Microphen developer is a good choice for push processing HP5. The developer will help hold good shadow detail and well-separated mid-tones with sharp grain.

This disposable 35mm film camera is a great way to get into shooting black and white film.

HP5 is also available in 35mm, 120, 4×5 and bulk rolls. Have a look at the other available Ilford Films.


This Is How You Shoot Ilford HP5 400

Want to see some of the different ways you can use Ilford HP5 400? We have put together some of our favourite HP5 400 shots by our customers – you can see them here.

Want to see more? Read our HP5 Film Reviews. We shot some 35mm and 120 of this popular film. Then see our post on Negative Feedback’s Black and White Film Comparisons to see some HP5 Plus in comparison to other black and white films.


Disposable Cameras In Action

Want to see the Ilford HP5 Disposable Film Camera in action? Then check out the results that George at Negative Feedback got in this video. If that inspires you, have a look at the other disposable film cameras we keep in stock. Alternatively, get yourself a Reusable Camera. Similar quality to disposables but you can use them for several rolls.


Get The Best From Your Disposable Film Camera

These plastic cameras have straightforward controls. It’s worth keeping a few things in mind when using them. So, whether you are using a Reusable or Disposable here are some tips to get the best images out of them: How To Get The Best From Your Reusable Film Camera.


Film Photography

And, if you’re new to film check out our Beginners Guide To Film Photography. Also have a look at our guides to Aperture, Shutter Speed and Film Speed. Then check out the other 35mm film we have in stock.

Additional information

Film Development

Black and White

Film Format

Film Sensitivity

Film Type


Film Exposures




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