CineStill 800 Tungsten 120 Film

CineStill 800 is a 120 tungsten-balanced colour negative film made from Kodak motion picture film stock. Its 800 ISO emulsion is perfect for difficult low light situations.

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CineStill 800 Tungsten 120 Film

CineStill 800 Tungsten 120 Film is a colour negative film. Made from original Kodak motion picture film stock. Its 800 ISO emulsion is perfect for difficult low light situations. CineStill is a highly flexible film that you can push up to 3200 ISO. This is an ideal film for scanning.

When shot in daylight, CineStill recommends an 85B filter. Then rate the film at 500 ISO.


Cinematic Emulsion

The main aim of CineStill is to provide still photographers with access to the same emulsions as cinematographers. Simply put, they hack motion picture cinema film stock. As a result, you can shoot it and process it like normal 120 C41 negative film.

CineStill 800 Tungsten 120 Film is made from a fresh stock of Kodak motion picture film. The team at Cinestill prepare and roll it for clean and safe C-41 development. Their proprietary “premoval” process is the reason the motion picture film is safe to process in standard C-41 photo lab chemicals, or even at home. The original film is made to process in ECN-2 chemicals, and you can still choose to use this process with CineStill 800.

Worth a note, the long-term archival stability tests have not gone past 3 years. Archival longevity should be somewhere between Kodachrome and most C-41 films. However, there are no guarantees.

CineStill 800 Tungsten 35mm Film is now available in canisters with DX codes. Also take a look at the Cinestill 50, a daylight balance cine film.


Film Reviews

If you aren’t sure which film to pick next, then head over to our Film Reviews pages. We review the most popular films in the shop, as well as some new and lesser-known ones to see how they compare. You can find a list of all the films we have reviewed here.

Next up, have a look at How You Shoot. We like to see how you shoot the film you buy from us and feature some of our favourites on the site.


Develop Your Film

If you would like to learn more about developing your own film, you should read our guide How To Develop Black And White Film. This will walk you through each step of developing film at home.

Also, check out How To Develop Film At Home for a list of everything you’ll need. How To Prepare Film Developing Chemistry will explain how to get your chemicals ready for processing. Once you’re ready to go, find your Black And White Film Developing Times.

You can explore further and look at How To Stand Develop Film and Pushing and Pulling Film.


Film Photography

And, if you’re new to film check out our Beginners Guide To Film Photography. Also have a look at our guides to ApertureShutter Speed and Film Speed. Then check out the other 35mm film we have in stock.


Which Is The Best Film To Choose?

Have you just got hold of a film camera and not sure where to start. We have lots of films to choose from, but you might be wondering which is the best one for you? Then read our guide Choose Your Film. It will give you a good starting point and a clear idea of what the different films do.

Additional information


Film Development


Film Format

Film Sensitivity

Film Type


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